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Expert Contribution

How To Deal With Storm Damage to Your Trees

Newtown Edgmont Friends & Neighbors, May 2024

Dealing with a large tree that has fallen in your yard due to a storm can be a daunting task, but it’s important to address it promptly and safely. Here’s what you can do:

Assess the Situation Safely: Safety should be your first priority. Ensure that there are no live electrical wires around the fallen tree. Stay clear of any damaged branches that could pose a risk of falling.

Document Damage: If the fallen tree has caused damage to your property or structures, document it with photographs for insurance purposes.

Call for Professional Help if Necessary: If the fallen tree is large or if you’re unsure about handling it safely, it’s best to call a professional tree removal service. They have the expertise and equipment to safely remove the tree and its debris.

Clear Debris: If you’re able to safely do so, start clearing away smaller branches and debris from the fallen tree. Be cautious and avoid overexertion, especially if the tree is heavy or if you’re not experienced with this type of work.

Cut the Tree into Manageable Pieces: If the tree is small enough and you have the appropriate tools (such as a chainsaw), you can begin cutting it into manageable pieces for easier removal. Make sure to wear protective gear and follow safety guidelines for using the tools.

Dispose of Debris: Arrange for the disposal of the tree debris. Some municipalities offer curbside pickup for storm debris, while others may require you to transport it to a designated location. Check with your local authorities for guidance.

Inspect Surrounding Trees: After a storm, it’s a good idea to inspect the health and stability of other trees in your yard. Look for signs of damage or instability that may require attention to prevent future hazards.

Consider Tree Replacement: If the fallen tree was a significant part of your landscaping, you may want to consider planting a new tree in its place once the area is cleared and safe.

Preventative Measures: After dealing with the fallen tree, consider taking preventative measures such as regular tree maintenance (pruning, trimming) and monitoring the health of trees on your property to reduce the risk of future incidents.

Remember, safety should always come first when dealing with storm damage and fallen trees. If you’re unsure about how to proceed or if the situation seems unsafe, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.

About The Author

Tree Trimming and Removal
Dan Flynn
Flynn Tree Services

Dan Flynn is a long-time Newtown Square resident, and is a Certified Arborist with an undergraduate degree from West Chester University. He established Flynn Tree Services over 12 years ago in Newtown Square to offer experienced, licensed, bonded and insured tree services in the Southeastern PA, South Jersey and Northern Delaware area.  Flynn Tree Services offers tree take down, trimming, stump removal, grinding, ornamental pruning, lot clearing, storm damage, lightning protection and cabling and bracing, while offering cost-effective solutions to any tree problem you may face. Dan Flynn has built a team of highly qualified professional technicians who come fully equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to handle whatever tree situation you may have, all with free estimates and competitive pricing

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