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What Mother’s Day Means to Me

Newtown Edgmont Friends & Neighbors, May 2024

For many, Mother’s Day is a time to reflect and show gratitude to the women and mothers who have been mentors and caregivers who helped shape us into who we are. In honor of this special day, we’ve asked a few of our featured family moms to tell you what Mother’s Day means to them.

Although Mother’s Day as we know it has more recent roots, early celebrations can be traced back to festivals held by ancient Greeks and Romans. In ancient Greece, people honored Rhea, the wife of Cronus and mother of the gods. People from all over Greece offered Rhea food, drinks and flowers.

The Romans also celebrated a different mother of the gods named Cybele, or Magna Mater, which means Great Mother. They even dedicated a temple to her, and in March, they participated in the Festival of Hilaria and provided gifts for the goddess.

Back in the United States, the first official Mother’s Day celebration took place in Grafton, West Virginia, on May 10, 1908. This event was made possible by the financial support of John Wanamaker, a Philadelphia business owner. His backing ensured the success of this inaugural Mother’s Day, which was marked by a large gathering at a local church and a simultaneous event at one of Wanamaker’s stores. Today, the church where the celebration was held is home to the International Mother’s Day Shrine, a testament to the enduring legacy of this holiday.

Today, Mother’s Day is a time for us to express our love and appreciation for our moms. Many of us choose to do this by purchasing or making gifts, giving our moms a much-deserved day off or planning special outings such as dinner or brunch. Flowers and cards remain popular gifts, and the National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates that Americans spend billions of dollars on holiday purchases, including the ever-popular Mother’s Day roses.

Tori Sheridan
“Mother’s Day is a time of reflection on all the sacrifices we make as mothers and the sacrifices our own mothers made for us; the long days, the sleepless nights and endless worries. It’s also an opportunity to reminisce about all the precious moments that make us realize how quickly the years go by, serving as a reminder to cherish every moment with our loved ones and celebrate the amazing journey of motherhood.”

Allison Hamscher
“As I approach the final trimester of my fourth pregnancy (baby #4 arriving in June!), I’m taking a moment to reflect on the incredible journey of motherhood these past six years have been. It’s been a blend of the highest highs and some lows, but the privilege of welcoming each little one into our lives has been truly remarkable.

We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our newest family member and our daughters are bubbling with excitement, awaiting the news of whether they’ll have a new baby brother or sister. On this Mother’s Day, I extend heartfelt wishes to all mothers. May your journey be filled with love, joy, and cherished moments with your little ones.”

Michelle DiCola
“Mother’s Day isn’t just a day about me. Let’s face it, from the minute I became a mom, it was no longer about me, but I say that in a funny and loving
way. Being a mom is my favorite! On Mother’s Day, I feel extra thankful and blessed to have my husband and all three of our babies. They are the best
gifts of all.”

Let’s face it: We owe a lot to our moms, and Mother’s Day is the perfect day of the year to show her how much you appreciate her and how much you care. A pampered mom is a happy mom — trust us!